Thursday, December 6, 2012

1 year living in NYC...

One year of NYC!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Time has absolutely flown by.
I am so sorry for leaving the blog behind :(:(:(: Life has been maniac and I have never had so many visitors in my life. Our house has become a hostel and I am exhausted. But happy, very happy :):):) It has been an amazing year for us. So much has happened. The biggest news is that we might be moving back to London in June. Hubby's work is transferring him back. I am happy whatever happens...Miss my London and will miss my New York <3
This Sunday we are going to have our first proper holiday since we have moved to NYC.
Jamaica, here we go!!!! So excited :):):)
Me, myself and NYC, I am back!!!!!!!!! I have missed writing her so much as well.
Can't wait to share with you my recent experiences in the city that never sleeps :)


  1. Oi Lulu, achei seu blog atraves do mundopequeno,com.
    Li varias coisas e encontrei tantas semelhanças com mnha vida. Eu tb cheguei a NY ha um ano. Passei pelo processo de conseguir um EAD e um emprego, assim como voce. Que pena que te achei quando vc ja esta de volta.

  2. Se quiser me escrever, fique a vontade:

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