Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Getting out of our comfort zone...

So true!!!!! It was posted by one of my best friends on her facebook this week. It is how I am feeling in my new life in New York - outside of my comfort zone. I believe it is a common feeling among expats...
My relationship with New York is getting better. I feel more and more like a local and I have stopped thinking about London that much. In the end of the day, it is not just about New York but about what we are learning from it :)
After nearly 8 months, all seems to be going well. Apart from my "9am to 5pm" job I have finally started working as a translator too. So far, so good! It is the sort of job I can take with me wherever we go in the world. Very happy about that!!! I had done a post graduate course in London but for some reason never did anything with it. Now, here I am....Bring it on....Let's see where it takes me to.
You never know where the magic starts if you don't take any risks, do you? Happy to be here!!!!! For me the magic is already happening and I could not be more grateful for having this experience.
Loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

    tem uma crabzinha em Pt que está feliz por saber que vc está feliz!!! Vamo que vamo, Luluuu..
    amo muito


  2. Tanta saudade amiga crab do coracao!!!!!! Vamos skypar essa semana???? Amo muito, muito!!!!! Feliz mas com a cabeca a mil kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk O que fazer next???? A velha [ergunat de sempre kkkkkkkk Abafa!!!!!! amo muito muiot!!!
    bjo no coracao
    daqui a poucquinho tem alguem em Candeisss huhuhuhuhu

  3. Olá!
    Será que você poderia me passar seu email?
    Me mudei para NYC terça feira, e adoraria (preciso) ter alguem para me passar alguns conselhos e me dar uma ajudinha!

    André Pimenta

  4. Lulu, estou te convidando para recebr o seu Cartão de Credito/Debito MasterCard Internacional em MMN s/ mensalidades. Registro gratuito no site
